Our Journey: From Vision to Impact
2018: Planting the Seeds
Secured FIRSTPORT's "What If Girvan" seed funding to establish the Seafront Hub with a 20ft shipping container and 12 refurbished bikes. Partnered with Adventure Centre for Education, Assel Valley Community Fund and LEADER fund to enhance accessibility, introducing disability-friendly bikes and beach equipment.
2019: A Summer of Inclusion
Launched weekend bike hire at the Seafront Hub. Provided free access to local schools and groups for children and adults with additional support needs. Recognised the community's demand for accessibility and inclusion in cycling.
2020–2021: Resilience & Expansion
Supported NHS and emergency workers during COVID-19 with free bike loans.Received funding for beach wheelchairs, hoists, ability bikes, and workshop equipment from Cycling UK, Carrick Futures, Girvan Town Team and Cycling Scotland. Kilgallioch Wind Farm and Energy Savings Trust funded two shipping containers and eight e-bikes, respectively. Provided bike maintenance courses and accessibility-focused cycling initiatives.
2021-2022: Strengthening Community Roots
Launched an affordable active travel Community Bike Library for Girvan residents. Opened the Bike shop & Community Shop Hub with help from local volunteers. Created new employment opportunities, including positions for young people and long-term unemployed adults. National Lottery provided funding for Workshop equipment, Segar for running costs, Community Wealth Building for security equipment.
2022-2023: The Hub Comes Alive
Officially opened the Biosphere Bikes Shop and Community Hub. Partnered with organisations like Girvan Youth Trust, Carrick Opportunities, and local schools for community projects. Funded by organisations like Woodward Trust and South Ayrshire Council to enhance services and infrastructure. The first employment position was also created for a project officer, supported by William Grant, SURF, Smarter Choices and Smarter Places. Funding from Ayrshire Skills Investment fund for E-Bike Cytech training for our mechanics. Provided new Family Accessible Karts with support from ARIA.
2024: A Year of Accessibility
Purchased the shop premises with Place Based Investment Funding from South Ayrshire Council and Kilgallioch Windfarm. Added an accessible toilet with funding from ARIA and accessible ramp access with funding from the Community Empowerment Fund.Delivered a bike maintenance course based on numeracy for adults funded by Multiply from Thriving Communities. Created a full-time bike mechanic post funded by the Community Project Transition Fund. Delivered Community Learning & Development Courses for students from Kyle Academy. Support from SCOTTO for branding of Biosphere Bikes. Planned and hosted our first On Yer Bike Girvan event with support partners from Participatory Budgeting, ACE, Ayrshire Link, Girvan Town Team, Girvan Tourist Information, GSA Biosphere and Thriving Communities. Boosted our stock of community bikes with the help of Cycling UK to add to our accessible wheeling option.
2024-2025: Planning for the Future
Employed 2 young people in Saturday positions with support from Paths for All and welcomed an Active Travel graduate intern through South Ayrshire Council & Bright Green Business. Developed plans & held a community consultation event to develop into a fully functional Community Hub. Continue engagement with schools, local groups, and accessibility-focused initiatives. Supported our volunteers with help from ASDA for travel expenses. Received seed funding from the Ayrshire Climate Hub to launch our e-cargo bike to the Girvan community. Bike maintenance & repair support received from Cycling UK for recycling of bikes.